A playground for my inner Ralph Wiggum.

Thursday, July 1

"And I want a bike and a monkey and a friend for the monkey..."

I am now one year older than the last time I posted. Carrie 23 is great! Half the carbs of 22 and twice the enjoyment! See if you can tell the difference!

I think that 23 is going to be a great year for me. My practically two week long birthday celebration, in which I went to an awesome concert, rode roller coasters with my dearest friends, had a wonderful manicure/pedicure, received some much needed spooning, enjoyed the fabulous company of family and friends for a cookout, and had a plethora of birthday drinks bought for me at the bars, was magnificent. Not to mention the fantastic radio/cd player my parents got for me. So far 23 has really kicked ass, but of course, as is my true nature, I feel as though something is still off kilter slightly. And we all know theres only one way for me to possibly hash it out... thats right mon I gotta make a list.

23a) I would have to say that in my life right now the most major gripe that I still have is with my job. I hate and loathe it, but hey, who doesn't hate their job? Still though, my job wouldn't suck such serious ass if I didn't have to drive thirty miles everyday to get there, if I could actually use my travel benefits (no open flights, no vacation time, no happy), if I didn't have to talk to about 85 assholes everyday, and if I didn't feel like I was wasting my life working there. My problem might be solved soon though, ATA is experiencing "economic restructuring" right now, so they are laying people off. Its pretty bad when you go into work everyday with the hope that you'll get fired.

23b) I have always had a tendency to drunk dial, but lately it has escalated to a point that is just out of control. Its one thing to call a couple friends and aquaintances while smashed and have some funny drunk conversations, but I have been venturing into drunk dial territory that is just plain moronic. I've been digging up ooooolllldd shit, numbers that I didn't even know I still knew, that while drunk I miraculously remembered. I shouldn't feel so bad though, I mean a lot of these people I don't even see anymore, and even if I did, it would at least give me an ice breaker, albeit and awkward and embarrassing one. Maybe all those free birthday drinks weren't so great after all... Oh Well, screw it, the only thing really hurt is my pride, and you'd think I would be used to that by now...

23c) This next one is sorta tricky, I don't quite know exactly what I feel. Here goes... My sister's boyfriend recently moved into his own place and my sister has since taken up unofficial residence there. I am of course ecstatic that she is out of the house (and the bathroom- the toilet paper wars might have actually ended, for now... mwahhahaha) but I can't help but feel a little sad too. I kinda miss the gal. I also can't help but be a teensy bit jealous. They got a kitten, my sister got to name barney's weed plant, they buy groceries together, I don't know its all those little things... makes me feel a little tug in my chest. Partially because it makes me so happy that my sister has that kind of happiness, she deserves it after all the bastards she has put up with. The other half of that "partially" I don't know... Hey, does anyone remember when my blog posts were funny? It's like I've turned into a whinny, second-rate Jacqueline Susann.

Well, that list was probably the shortest list I have ever made, except for the one time when I sat down to make a grocery list after not going for about two months and just simply wrote "everything". As usual , I also don't really know if I figured anything out, but do any of us every figure any thing out about ourselves. If we did we wouldn't need blogs. Oh and before I go I must give a shout out to all those who made my birthday so fabulous!
Was that the actual shout out or was I supposed to say some thing else? I suck at that! Anyway, I gotta go, Ralph has his hair caught in the pencil sharpener again.
Peace In The Middle East!!!

Don't cry, dry your eye... so just chill, to the next episode:

"(Twenty) Three is the magic Number" or "The Call of the Wild (Turkey)"

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