A playground for my inner Ralph Wiggum.

Monday, February 16

"My cat's breath smells like cat food."
I wish I could enjoy my sickness, but I am filled with mucus and regret.

Sinus infection Day 2: Ponder This!! --> Why is calling in sick for work not nearly as enjoyable as calling in sick for school used to be?
Hypothesis: By calling in sick for work not only are you possibly losing the respect of your superiors and coworkers but you are also losing money which therefore leads to feelings of shame and guilt that force you to start a blog.
All of this leads me to one possible conclusion...
Inability to enjoy sickness + desperately needing money= I'm getting old
Possible solutions:a) stop aging, b) move out of my parents house so that I can at least walk around in my pjs without getting those guilt inducing "looks", c) make up for the lost wages by selling some clothes or bodily fluids, d) take my antibiotics and go to work tomorrow feeling rested and refreshed.
I believe the best course of action would be choice e) all of the above!!

Tune in for tomorrow's episode:
"Terrified Tissue" or "Thanks for the Streptococcus"

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