A playground for my inner Ralph Wiggum.

Tuesday, March 2

"Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!"

I owe a sincere apology to my blog, my laundry, and various other aspects of my life. I have neglected them all recently due to my addiction to sleep which I am trying very hard to overcome. I have left my blog in a very sorry state--> only occasionally responding to comments and leaving nothing to read but a long and sappy post about my mommy. Please forgive me. My laundry has also been abandoned for so long that all I have left are those ugly granny panties that seem to grow extra yards of fabric as the day goes on (leaving me prone to ridicule and severe wedgies) and mismatched old socks. I also find myself choosing to stay in bed and finish the crazy dream I'm having rather than call my friends, go to the grocery, work out, be a productive member of society, etc. Last week I was sleeping until at least 3:00pm everyday. I probably would have slept later but I had to leave for work at 5:00pm. How did it come to this and why have I been feeling the need to sleep all the time? Hmmm... I feel a list coming on... yes... wait... almost... oh... oh yeah... there it is!
Just the facts ma'am:
a) The most basic explanation for my sleeping habits could be that my suck ass work schedule has created the need for me to keep the same hours that usually only drug addicts and people with mood disorders keep. I work until 2:30am, get home at 3:00am, and I don't go to sleep until about 4:30am. Technically, I should be able to wake up at around 11:30am, but I seem to require more than the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep that a typical human should get.
B. Another very likely explanation for this could be that I don't really get any sleep on my days off from work, due to my desire to cram a weeks worth of socializing, cleaning, pet care (poor kitty), and errand running into two days, thus creating the need to catch up on my sleep the rest of the week.
5.) I also find that spending my days off in b-town greatly increases this need to sleep my life away. This is due to the fact that those two days consist solely of binge drinking and debauchery of the best kind; lots of it. The drunken revelry with distant friends is wonderful and the debauchery is fantastic, ; ) but I am left with little or no time for sleep.
(8j) I don't like to wake up if I am in the middle of a dream. I'm weird. I also have a hard time getting up if I have been woken up by someone. This seemingly innocent person will generally attempt to wake me up out of my blessed slumber 4-7 minutes before my alarm is supposed to go off. This is a very sensitive and crucial time. Its right when it would be pointless to go back to sleep but you still feel angry that you were robbed of those precious minutes. This situation creates some sort of a mental rebellion that causes me to sleep until 3:30pm, much later than my alarm was originally set for.
{q.} When I don't spend my days off in b-town I also find myself lacking sleep because I'm laden with family obligations, visits with non b-town friends, or (on good days) fun times with the Shipdizzle. For example: Thurs 02/26/04: Meet work friends at Don Pablos for margaritas. I run late so friends tell server that its my birthday. A large sombrero and much embarrassment follow. Got really trashed.
Fri 02/27/04: Kris comes to visit. Drag him with me to mall to buy pink shirt for mom (see 02/28/04) and b-day present for younger cousin. Eat at restaurant where male server a takes a fancy to Kris. Again. Go to parent's friend's house to hang with sister, Barney, and others. Got kind of trashed. Stayed up really late... studying physics, yeah.
Sat 02/28/04: Wake up at 10:00am to go to wedding shower. Everyone is supposed to wear pink. Everything at the shower is pink. Pink champagne punch does not cure hangover; induces nausea. Nausea returns when I catch myself saying "aaawwww" when bride-to-be receives pink spatula to go with the pink mixing bowls and pink apron received earlier. Pink Pepto Bismol is nowhere to be found. Leave shower with mom and sister to meet aunt and cousins for Greek food downtown. Three pink clad ladies wander downtown looking for seemingly nonexistent eatery. See sign for restaurant but dismayed when we walk in and find strange store selling ceramic bunnies. Finally find Greek restaurant. Nausea leaves but extreme tiredness arrives after gorging on food. Go home, take off pink outfit and go to work at 5:00pm. Get off work at 2:30am.
Sun 02/29/04: Beautiful day. Only comes around every 4 yrs. Me:zzzzzzz ZZZZZZZ zzzzzzz .... Go to work at 5:00pm.
Things are gonna change, I can feel it.
Today was a step in the right direction though. I was able to get up at 11:00am and I actually accomplished a few things, such as this forever long blog post, sorry. I enjoy all of the things on my list too much (with a few exceptions: pink parties, unnecessary wakeup calls) to change my lifestyle though. I guess I will just have to end this post without any real solution or conclusion. So yeah... um... okay that's all. I'm gonna go to bed now.
Catch the next exciting episode:
"Sorry 2004" or "To Sleep, or Not To Sleep; That Is The Question"

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