A playground for my inner Ralph Wiggum.

Wednesday, March 24

"Ow, my face is on fire!"
Who are you and what have you done with my self? I need some answers. There have been some interesting goings on in the life of one Caroline Davis lately and it has me wondering if I am just being dramatic or if things really have gone bizzaro! My immediate impulse is to begin a list... but wait! I think that this post heralds something different, something... new. I shall make a pie chart, NO! a flow chart, yes... and it will be the greatest flow chart THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN!!! MWAAHAHAHAH!! AAHAHA..HA haha...ha. Whoa, that was weak. Maybe a flow chart isn't the best idea, I think I'll just stick with the list, it really has worked well for me in the past... good old list.

Exhibit A:90% of the people I know who were always single, well pretty much single if you don't count the um, "friendships" (wink wink nudge nudge) that many of them engaged in, are now in deep committed relationships. Looking back, just a little over a year ago, NONE of my girlfriends had a serious boyfriend. Now I can only think of two who aren't currently attached. I don't know what this really has to do with anything in particular, but it does strike me as odd that everyone seems to be finding somebody. Maybe its just another clue that yes, I am getting old.

Exhibit B: Last weekend my sister and I had the opportunity to be models. If that isn't a sign that the end times are coming, I don't know what is. Granted, it was just for one day, for a hair show, and we didn't get paid... but I still felt extremely weird doing all that glamorous* model stuff.
*By "glamorous" I actually mean "shitty" seeing as how being a model just means that you have to wear tons of make up, wear a tacky costume, get your hair dyed a freakish color (see next exhibit), and spend hours sitting around starving in a cold room with other models(who are used to starving) while you wait to go on stage.

Exhibit C: For my modeling debut in the aforementioned hair show, the flaming diva of a hairdresser, excuse me, Hair Colour Design Expert , decided that he was going to transform me into a redhead with some brown low-lights. I was excited to try something new, but I was still a bit scared to let go of my blonde locks. I should have been fucking terrified. The end result was a hair color that made me look as though I was the ill-fated love child of Ronald McDonald and Elvira. My hair was flaming red with blackish brown streaks. I will admit that my first impression was that I liked it, but I soon became less thrilled when the reality of the hair set in. I just don't know if I'm cut out to be a hip, edgy redhead. I feel as though I need to join a Goth rock group or get some facial piercings in order to pull off this hair color. So far people's reactions to my hair have been very positive (with the exception of my father who let out a terrified shriek, not unlike that of Homer Simpson, when he first saw my hair) and that has really helped me not want to burst into tears as much when I see myself in the mirror.

Exhibit D: An intangible, unexplainable, unidentifiable feeling that my life has changed in some way that makes me feel... odd. Ever since I got back from Mexico I feel like something is different, as if while I was gone the planets shifted ever so slightly; just enough to cause the area around Indianapolis, IN to feel really... wacky. Maybe it is because of Exhibits A through C, but I really think something else is going on that I just can't put my finger on. Hmmm.... another blog post with a long list of boring things about my life with no real conclusion or coherency whatsoever... at least some things never change.

Kick your own ass if you miss the next intriguing episode:
"Ch-Ch-Changes" or "Girl Gone Wild?"

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