A playground for my inner Ralph Wiggum.

Saturday, April 17

WHEEEEE!! Ow, I bit my tongue!
M edrunk ee!! Yay1!!1
I have yet to write a blog post when I am completely smashed, so okay here goes...
Todays thinkertitious ponderable--> When i am drunk, do I act like a different person? HMMMM... I like capital letters today, but I still don;t like capital punishment, but I DIGRESS, today this is really all about how I am when I am either drunk or otherwise "messed uP". Let us look at some past examples:
Drunk Drama #1: I should not EVER get drunk on cheap red wine, as it causes trailer trash-like behavior that I am quite ashamed of. FOR example when I was a sophomore in college I drank a large quantity of the cheapest red wine in existence (it was $$6.99 for a gallon of this "vintage Chianti"). I t was a vet fun night until we got into that wine, which not only caused all hell to break loose, but also resulted in the most debilitating hangover of my life (2 and a half days, my god!) I concluded the evening by kicking my ex-boyfriend in the mouth and my best friend ended up making out with one of our friends on the sun porch. The next day we discovered a huge wine stain and a bunch of crushed pretzels on the sun porch, and received a rather unpleasant phone call from his girlfriend. Those were the days.
D.D. #h: When I am drub=nk I have a tendency to sing and dance as if i actually had said talents, hence the crazy night at the Free Spirit when i danced with a crazy cracked out woman who told me the meaning of life, and the instances at Bears in which I sang songs that I really shouldn't have sung. But we all do that from time to time.
D.D. @6^: Awwwww peaches! There's gold in them thar hills! I knows it! Oh yeah, New years eve, that was a cool night. Iwas originally supposed to meet my boyfriend at the time at a bar in broad ripple but I ended up going to Michaels party because my "boyfriend" decided to go do something else. I had a fabulous time at the party, bravo Michael, bravo..., and I got riproaringly drunk and made out wit a certain someone in my aunt's bedroom. Now, that all turned out well and good, but I certainly felt like a disrespectful sonoffabitch the next day, I mean what the hell...
DD35f(: I'm wasted and the shift key doesn't want to work. Damn... double damn. When I am drunk I have a lot more "girly" tendencies such as being dramatic about other female friends problems, getting my feelings hurt when my fella doesn't want to snuggle, and being all around too damned sensitive. But what can I say, its that extra x chromosome, it doesn't mix well with alcohol.
Well, hell. I don't know what started this blog, I was just online seeing if was approved for a car loan, but i guess it was about time I updated anyway. Anyhow, I think that I need to go to bed, getting drunk with my parents friends takes it out f me.,..0ops I forgot one more
D.D #4: When I am partying with my parents friend's I have a tendency to get really bombed, Michael... you know what i'm talkin bout.. two words moo tai. I think this is because they get some kind of sick enjoyment from watching me do shots of weird alcohols form around the world because they can't do them anymore. Needless to say, I don't like to disappoint my fans. Well my little cowpokes, this varmit has gotta hit the hay... but seriously this was fun, Its a damned goo =d thing blogger has spell check or this really would be incoherent. OOHHH!!! AN D PS. This weather is freaking awesome!! AND my birthday is only two months away. Yeeehaa!! see ya later alligators,
Love Drunksee Mcgee
Stay tuned for scenes from our next pants -peeingly exciting episode:
"Alcoholism- A Disease... or a Sport" or "The Good, The Bad, and The Slutty"

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